The spirit of service is alive at Reading Partners during #AmeriDay
October 23, 2015
In the last 21 years, nearly one million men and women have signed up to #serveAyear with AmeriCorps, to make our country safer and stronger. Today, AmeriCorps is on the path to becoming a right of passage for young Americans.
“AmeriCorps reflects the spirit of common purpose that is at the very core of who we are as a people.” – @Potus
Throughout the month of October, The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) will be celebrating another year of service by welcoming 75,000 new AmeriCorps members who will make a meaningful impact in communities across the country.
Reading Partners joined CNCS in launching AmeriCorps opening day (aka #AmeriDay!), on October 16, for the largest swearing in ceremony in Reading Partners’ history. Since Reading Partners launched its partnership with CNCS five years ago, the AmeriCorps cohort has grown from 33 members to 256 members.
During #AmeriDay, Reading Partners staff and AmeriCorps members were proud to show their Ameri-pride by taking the AmeriCorps pledge and welcoming more than 250 members to the Reading Partners family. Our members come from diverse backgrounds, but share a desire to serve communities through empowering kids to succeed in reading and in life.
Reading Partners AmeriCorps members commit themselves to a year of service to ensure kids get the support they need to reach grade-level reading proficiency by fourth grade. Beyond their impact on the community, AmeriCorps members develop strong leadership skills during their service terms that help shape their careers.
Join us in welcoming this year’s group of inspiring leaders.
The AmeriCorps pledge:
I will get things done for America – to make our people safer, smarter, and healthier.
I will bring Americans together to strengthen our communities.
Faced with apathy, I will take action.
Faced with conflict, I will seek common ground.
Faced with adversity, I will persevere.
I will carry this commitment with me this year and beyond.
I am an AmeriCorps member, and I will get things done.