India Snowden, a senior at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School, has dreamed of working with children since she was 11 when her mother opened a daycare. As a sophomore, India was placed in an internship with Reading Partners Baltimore as part of the Cristo Rey Jesuit Corporate Internship Program (CIP). She admits that the work was hard at first, but her students have taught her to “strive for greatness.”
Since 2015, India has worked with more than 15 students in three different schools. Reflecting on her time, India shares,
Reading Partners is a stepping stone for our students to be successful. As tutors, we uplift students.
“Not only do I help my students learn to read, I help them with their self-esteem, their confidence. I tell them, ‘you have the ability to do anything you want.’ [They] just need to believe in themselves. Believe that they can achieve,” says India.
India is now preparing her college applications. She hopes one day to be a social worker and says her time with Reading Partners has shaped this dream. Yet, her time with us would not have been possible without the unique program of Cristo Rey Jesuit. Reading Partners Baltimore has been fortunate to host over 45 student interns since 2014-15 when we joined CIP, which partners with over 120 companies and nonprofits to provide students with the opportunity to “put learning to work.”
India’s story and the partnership we hold with Cristo Rey Jesuit highlights how Reading Partners involves a mosaic of people – from high school students to retirees – in order to achieve one common goal: to unlock student potential by raising reading achievement.