Kids say the darndest things — Reading Partners Baltimore edition
July 29, 2016
Development Coordinator*VISTA, Reading Partners Baltimore
Kids say the darndest things! And at Reading Partners, the things students say provide a glimpse into what inspires community volunteers to keep coming back year after year. To get a sense of what gives volunteers such a satisfying tutor experience, read these memorable student quotes shared by Reading Partners Baltimore’s site coordinators and reading partners.
Witnessing student progress over time
“One thing I learned in Reading Partners this year is how to figure out new words by sounding them out.”
-Barry, fourth-grader
“One thing I learned in Reading Partners this year is all the vowels. My favorite book was Green Eggs and Ham.”
-Sarah, third-grader
“[At first] it took us a long time to get through a lesson, but now we can get through in seconds! Reading Partners helps kids learn, I am a better reader now and I read more at home. Reading isn’t boring any more.”
-Dakota, fourth-grader
“Reading Partners helps you find books you really like. I read at home now and I tell [my reading partner] about Ivy and Bean and what happened in the books. I am more like Ivy and [my reading partner] is more like Bean.”
-Kaylah, third-grader
“When I was in first and second grade I wasn’t a very good reader. I would get so nervous when it was going to be my turn to read out loud. Now, I am so happy reading. My math teacher said Reading Partner kids are getting good at reading. But even if you get good at reading you should still go to Reading Partners. They can help you learn bigger words, like seventh and eighth grade ones!”
-Tiara, third-grader
Enjoying the funny tutor-student moments
“I wish I could be like Wonder Woman and live on an island with no boys … My brother and my dad could come visit, but only for like a week.”
-Camden, third-grader
“The Boston Tea Party was stupid. They shouldn’t have thrown all that tea into the water. What if they got sick? They would have nothing to drink! Good thing they didn’t throw out the soup too!”
-Mika, fourth-grader
“Extinct is when you have one life, like dinosaurs as opposed to cats that have nine.”
-Amari, second-grader
“I have a brother already, but my dog is also like my brother.”
-Allie, fourth-grader
Understanding how much reading matters
“I have to learn to read so I can become a doctor. So reading is very important to me.”
-Lizzie, fifth-grader
“Being in Reading Partners is fun. I like the book “How My Parents Learned to Eat” because it taught me about chopsticks and that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask people things. I appreciate that my tutors read with me.”
-Selina, fourth-grader
“Reading Matters so you can go to college.”
-Justin, third-grader
“One thing I learned from [The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl] book is that it is important to be yourself. I also learned that you should help others and learn to solve your problems without fighting.”
-Faith, third-grader
Being a champion in the lives of struggling readers
“I would like to thank my tutor … for helping me learn new words and always being nice to me and my sister.”
-Xavier, fourth-grader
“I liked being in Reading Partners this year because it was always fun when my reading partners read to me.”
-Kiona, third-grader
“My favorite thing about my reading partner is that she spent her work time to come read to me.”
-Arielle, third-grader
“I would like to thank [my reading partners] for giving me some Junie B Jones books … [and] for letting me win at Go Fish.”
-Brittney, second-grader
“I want you to be my tutor forever. Even when I’m in college.”
-Diana, third-grader
*All names have been changed for confidentiality purposes