Reading and writing are foundational skills that pave the way to achieve successful outcomes in higher education and career advancement. Unfortunately, 65 percent of fourth-grade students across the US are not reading at grade level—putting them at risk of falling further behind later in their education. Together, we can help more students become successful readers early on.
The Reading Partners #SpellingBeeChallenge aims to raise awareness about the literacy crisis in the US and raise funds to continue and expand literacy support programs for kids in a time of great need.
While we are all spending more time at home, here’s a great opportunity to participate in a fun and meaningful activity for an important cause.
Here’s how it works: You start by donating $10 to Reading Partners. Next, post your video spelling a challenge word out loud. Warning! Misspell the word, you get a pied. Then, challenge three friends to take on the challenge. Anyone can choose to take on the challenge and donate $10 or skip the challenge and donate $65 to Reading Partners.
You don’t need to be challenged to participate. Have a friend choose a challenging word for you to spell and join the fun!
Join the #SpellingBeeChallenge to support literacy education for kids
- Visit and follow the steps to create your challenge video. You’ll need someone to help you take the video, as well as check your spelling and gently ‘pie you’ if you misspell your challenge word.
- Challenge three friends to take on the challenge and create their own videos.
- Post your video to your preferred social media account. Include the hashtag #SpellingBeeChallenge,, and tag @readingpartners and your three challenge recipients.
After you’ve posted your video, just sit back and watch the challenge spread!