Unlocking student potential by raising reading achievement: 2014-15 annual report
March 1, 2016
It’s an exciting time for Reading Partners. As our program impacts continue to grow, with communities mobilizing to support local elementary school students and kids making gains in their reading progress, we seek new ways to broaden our impact. Reading Partners is at a turning point, shifting our focus from individual literacy gains to population-level impact on fourth-grade reading proficiency.
As we pursue making a national impact in fourth-grade reading proficiency, we are investing in new program pilots, deepening our saturation in key markets, and expanding our advocacy efforts.
With ambitious goals and sweeping impacts on the horizon, we are grounded and fueled by our vision for a future where all children in the US have the reading skills necessary to reach their full potential.
I continue to be inspired by the gains made by our students; together we are empowering the future generation and giving children the opportunity to achieve their full potential. – Michael Lombardo