2 Works for You and the Scripps Howard Foundation present $10,000 check to Reading Partners
January 31, 2017
Originally published by KJRH Channel 2.
TULSA – 2 Works for You and its Scripps radio partners presented a $10,000 check to the Reading Partners organization which serves 1,300 struggling readers in 24 locations across Tulsa Public elementary schools.
Top managers and numerous employees of 2 Works for You, KVOO, K-Hits, BOB FM, 1170 KFAQ and Big Country radio stations dropped by McClure Elementary Thursday with a special surprise.
“We were one of five E.W. Scripps-owned stations in the nation that the foundation selected to present an additional $10,000 literacy grant,” announced Amy Calvert, 2 Works for You Vice President and General Manager. “I am very pleased that the Scripps Howard Foundation selected our local Reading Partners organization as deserving of the grant.”
The Scripps Howard Foundation supported the Tulsa-area literacy program with the generous check one week after station employees donated more than 1,000 books to the program. Creating a better-informed world is the vision of our parent company, The E.W. Scripps Company, so this literacy program is a perfect fit for our stations. The non-profit organization is dedicated to helping children who are behind on their reading skills improve to grade level.
2 Works for You employees teamed up with Scholastic Book Fairs and Scripps Howard Foundation in recognition of National Reading Day. The Scripps employee campaign called, “If you give a child a book…” drew tremendous financial support from employees throughout the Scripps Media network across the country. Many believe, if you give a child a book, you will help them succeed in life.”
While 2 Works for You employees raised enough money to buy Reading Partners over 1,000 books, local Tulsa Scripps-owned radio stations raised money that benefited CAP Tulsa.
Reading Partners can always use donated books. Some of the books that 2 Works for You employees gave will go to the tutor centers but most will go home with students to build up their personal libraries.
Volunteers spend just one hour a week, one-on-one, with a student who has fallen behind their peers in reading. With the help of a dedicated staff and volunteers, the research-based curriculum is demonstrating tremendous success among Tulsa Public School students in kindergarten through third grade classes.
“Last year, our volunteers took students that were up to two and a half years behind on reading,” Elizabeth Vereecke, executive director of Reading Partners-Tulsa said. “Ninety percent of them, in just one year’s time, mastered the foundational reading skills that they need to read on grade level.”
Vereecke added that studies show students who do not read on grade level are four times more likely to drop out of high school.
Volunteers spend one hour a week helping a student sound out words and learn to read. 2 Works for You assignment editor and producer Nicole Septaric found her young student now reads everything she sees –including the check delivered to the school.
Reading Partners needs 2,000 volunteers per week right here in the Tulsa area. Right now, there are still over 567 students who are waiting for volunteers.
If you would like to support or volunteer with Reading Partners, reach out to volunteerTul@staging.readingpartners.org or call (918) 949-1979.