
From regular student assessment to contracting for independent studies, Reading Partners systematically collects, analyzes, and uses data to generate knowledge, improve programs, and report on impacts.

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science of reading

The established and growing research we have about how students learn to read, including systemic phonics education.

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A facet of high-dosage tutoring in which a tutor offers one-on-one attention to their student, resulting in targeted support, and personalized literacy learning.

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The frequency of a learning experience. For example, Reading Partners students receive twice weekly tutoring for maximum growth.

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educational equity

Ensuring every student, no matter their race, gender, socioeconomic level, or location has access to the resources and support they need to succeed in school and in life.

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screenshot from presentation about how to scale high-impact tutoring
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Learning Tuesday | Implementation, Replication, Fidelity: How to REALLY Scale High-Impact Tutoring

June 25, 2024

Originally posted on the Campaign For Grade-Level Reading’s YouTube

In January, GLR launched the new year and picked-up on its new series on “big bets working” with a focus on high-impact tutoring. Tutoring has been one of the most prominent strategies providing students with the learning support they need to recover from pandemic school closures and continue to advance their learning progress. In his State of the Union speech, President Joe Biden emphasized how important it is to sustain this prominent intervention when he said, “ I want to expand high-quality tutoring.” Our January session focused on the landscape of successful programs and where, how and why tutoring is making a real impact. We now want to revisit this “big bet working” and this time unpack what it takes to implement a successful tutoring program in terms of establishing programs with or within a school system, conducting tutoring sessions both in school and out of school, recruiting, training and retaining tutors, ensuring regular attendance by students, etc. And once successfully implemented, how can a successful program scale to reach as many students as possible? Many states have scaled programs statewide and other successful tutoring programs have been able to scale to multiple states and communities. This session will explore implementation science and specific strategies and tactics that lead to successful scaling of tutoring programs with fidelity across sites.

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