Reading Partners New York launches associate board
March 7, 2016
By: Isabella Cucchi, Special projects associate
Many professionals express the desire to give back to their city. But with over 2,000 volunteer-based organizations in New York City alone, deciding where and how to begin can be difficult. Reading Partners has always provided a variety of volunteer options, from tutoring to hosting book drives. A few weeks ago, Reading Partners New York created yet another way for professionals to donate their time — the Reading Partners New York associate board.
Ramyata Joshi, an associate at Winton Capital Management and founding member of the associate board, is an example of those Reading Partners New York hopes to enlist as advocates of their work.
“When I thought about how to give back to the community, I wanted to become a part of a mission that brings reading education to young kids in New York City. I was lucky enough to find Reading Partners in my search, and when I saw that the organization was launching an associate board, I jumped at the opportunity!” Joshi continues, “It is incredibly rewarding to contribute to a cause I believe in.”
These new Reading Partners ambassadors will contribute to program fundraising goals, raise awareness through events and social media efforts, and strategically advise Reading Partners New York in conjunction with the regional advisory board and tutor advisory council.
“We’re thrilled to engage those who are newer to philanthropy and board service and to give them a meaningful way to contribute their energy and passion,” says Maris Goodstein, executive director, “The response has been incredible – we launched the associate board with fifteen active members and they are already poised to help take us to the next level as committed advocates of our work.”
One of the most important initiatives this group will tackle is volunteer recruitment.
“I hope we can help Reading Partners expand strategically and successfully into more New York City schools,” says Emily O’Shaughnessy, another new associate board member and product manager at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. “I was introduced to Reading Partners as a volunteer tutor in the Lower East Side, and I’ve witnessed the special bond between students and their tutors — the real progress that can be made with one-on-one attention. If the associate board can help to grow the tutor base, we can ultimately reach more communities and more children. It’s not only about teaching kids to read — it’s about engaging New Yorkers with the needs of this city by connecting them with the kids in our communities who need our help.”
Christopher Armao, associate board member and project leader at the Boston Consulting Group, concurs: “I am excited to be involved with such a wonderful organization, meeting a critical need for our society. I am particularly interested in supporting the organization to grow its membership; tutors should come from all over this city! This will help to expand Reading Partners’ impact geographically, as well as deepen impact within their existing footprint.”
When you become involved with Reading Partners, there is no end to how much you can contribute. Each new advocate brings his or her own unique experiences and perspectives to make New York City communities even more vibrant.
To learn more about the Reading Partners New York associate board members, click here. If you want to get involved, sign up to tutor at staging.readingpartners.org/volunteer, or donate at staging.readingpartners.org/donate. You can also stay up to date on the latest news from the region on Facebook at Reading Partners NYC, and on Twitter and Instagram at @RPnewyorkcity.