Reading Partners teaching kids literacy at Skelly Elementary
March 9, 2020
Originally published by NBC 2 Tulsa
Brought to You by “Bank of Oklahoma”
TULSA — 2 Cares for the Community and we continue our effort to shine a light on childhood literacy.
This week Reading Partners Tulsa brings us to Skelly Elementary School, where students are unlocking the opportunity to develop skills that will prepare them for the future.
Amidst the pages, full of words and colorful pictures, there’s something even more special bound by this book.
“What would you draw if you had a magic pencil? What do you think you would draw?” says volunteer Matt Cox.
Cox and first-grader Frenz Heu are building a bond fueled by the desire to enhance reading proficiency in children, with the help of Reading Partners Tulsa.
In Oklahoma, only one in four 4th graders is reading at a proficient level, and 36 percent lack basic literacy skills.
“Certainly, the first couple of sessions you kind of get to know your routine and figure out what works best between you and the student, but the curriculum is so well done. It’s really easy to follow,” says Cox.
Matt Cox is among thousands of volunteers in the area making a difference in schools across the city.
“Just coming in and being able to see how they work with students and their relationship that the on site coordinator has with every student and every volunteer is pretty neat.”
The mission is simple: grow students and prepare them for the future.
New books, with more words molding the mind of a future leader, “There’s so much reading to do,” says a Reading Partners student.
In the end the student leaves with knowledge and the friendship from his mentor, an added bonus.
If you’d like to enroll your child in reading partners, they must be referred by their teacher or principal, and your child must also be a student at one of the organization’s school sites.