Susan Hayes
From 1996 to 2015 Susan served as president and CEO of ReSurge International. As president, she ushered ReSurge through a strategic evolution from a direct service organization to one that also educates overseas medical professionals and builds the permanent surgical capacity in developing countries. Susan came to ReSurge with 15 years of management, fundraising and media experience in public broadcasting, including serving as vice president for development and publicity for the Western New York Public Broadcasting Association. Previously, Susan was a political science instructor at Syracuse University and the University of South Carolina, and a project manager for public policy think tank, Syracuse Research Corporation. From 2009-2015 Susan served on the board of directors of InterAction, the largest alliance of US-based international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) focused on the world’s poor and most vulnerable people. She was also a member of the steering committee for the NGO Leadership Institute at the Moynihan Institute for Global Affairs at the Maxwell School, Syracuse University. In addition, Susan served on the board of Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Gatos from 2008-2014 where she was board chair in 2013-2014, and on the the Santa Clara Valley YWCA board from 1997 to 2000. Since retiring as ReSurge CEO in 2015—in addition to her service to Reading Partners—Susan has devoted time and energies to pro bono consulting with nonprofit boards in Silicon Valley, and in supporting and guiding female nonprofit CEOs in the greater Bay Area.